Wow, its been a long time since I’ve posted an update. Time certainly flies when you’re a new mom lol. My daughter is now 7 months old and I can’t believe its already been that long. And as much as I’ve been enjoying every second with my baby girl, I have still been very committed to finishing Stand. And I’m happy to report that the first draft is finally finished and currently in the hands of my editor as we speak. The word count is now over 250k, so I have no idea how long it’s going to take my editor to get through all that, but I imagine it won’t be overnight. Once I get the revised draft back from her, I’ll do a full read through and make my final revisions, then it’s off to the beta readers. I’m still not committing to a release date yet because I honestly thought I’d be able to get this thing out this year, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to do it. Probably has something to do with the fact that I can’t stop staring at my kid because she’s so damn cute lol.

I also finally set up a PO Box since some of my readers had been asking for one in the facebook group. The address if PO Box 86, Troy, MI 48099-9998.

So that’s pretty much it for right now. I hope everyone has a nice and safe holiday this year and I will see you all in 2025!

<3 Jay Marie

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